(Today I decided that I should start to blog in English! What do you think about that? Grandma? Barbro? Do you have any comments on that? Feel free to laugh about my sucky grammar and spelling!!!)
Heey people!!
Mom woke us up by knocking on our door way to early this morning.. Of course Madde didn't hear anything so I had to get up and open the door for her...
We started the day with mailing another big box home to Sweden.. It was probably the 10th box I've sent home = I have way to much stuff!!!
We went to a Barnes & Noble (It's a really nice bookstore) and walked around in there for a while and then had breakfast at Starbucks.
After that we packed our bags and started our "California Roadtrip"!
After some trouble with GPS we finally made our way to "Highway 1 South". It's a highway that runs along the Pacific Ocean coast. The view was amazing, it was really beautiful all the way! As you can see the weather was nice today too, but it's still pretty cold..
We saw a lot of giant sea lions!
This is an "action news van" that passed us on the road.. I thought it was pretty cool because i've seen it so many movies!
After a long day in the car we stopped at a little hotel in a town called Lompoc. (Check it out on the map Barbro!)
I had to go outside and play with my "Skyball" (It's a ball that bounces very high!) when we got there! I get crazy by sitting in a car for that long!!
Haha, mom thinks i'm stupid for carrying it around but I think it's funny! I'm gonna bring it home and show it to you guys! All the kids in the neighbourhood will love it!!
Me and Madde are so tired right now that we are crying laughing because we're watching a show called The Office on TV. They have some kind of marathon so we've been watching it for the last 3 hours or something now..
Mom and Elisabeth are sleeping next door already! And we should probably try to get some sleep too soon..
We will continue our roadtrip tomorrow when we wake up (I hope mom let's us sleep in a little bit though!) We're heading for L.A., i'm excited!!
Goodnight! (Goodmorning in Sweden!)
5 kommentarer:
Känner mej mobbad! Kränkt! Tillintetgjord! Det är ÅLDERSDISKREMINERING!!!! Eller hur Birgitta. Räcker det inte att jag lärt mej ungdomsspråket: Coolt, grymt, fett, sjukt o.s.v. Ska det nu bloggas på främmande språk då decidar jag: Inga mer comments. Bollen ligger hos dej! Jag hoppar av trippen (är ju redan dumpad) låter mappen ligga oöppnad och computern får sleepa.
Good bye
Håller med Barbro.Det ät lätt att förstå det Du skriver,men att svara är något helt annat för oss åldringar.Träffade Barbro idag på träningen,alltid lika roligt att prata med henne.Varit i Ryninnge och hämtat Zimba så nu är vi på plats allihopa..De har lovat dåligt väder hela helgen.Stället Du nämnde hittar inte jag på kartan,men däremot närmar Ni er S.Barbara.Där skulle jag vilja bo.
Vi har tyvär fått något fel på Skypen,men försöker få det fixat.
Kramar Birgitta o Stellan!
Hej Igen!Har hittat Lompoc,Ni närmar Er S.Barbara.Har Ni åkt fel,eller är det GPS-en.Har fått Skypesen fixat,grannen med famij dök upp,han klarade av det.Kvällen blev inte som det var tänkt,som Ni förstår.MÅ SÅ GOTT !
Kramar Birgitta!
helloooo! I didn't even notice at first that u were blogging in english, i've gotten used to us talking in english these days ;P
Wow, that road is really amazing, i'm pretty sure that i've seen it in an OC episode once, i'd love to see it! So soon your're going to be in LA (BABY!), superexciting!! Can't w8 for the pictures!
Today it's kristihimmelsfärd so we're free from school today and tomorrow, really nice i needed a small holiday but i'm still a bit sick:( My throath is ok but i'm coughing and my nose is rinning, perfect! But i'm intending to get well as soon as possible, so boring to be sick. But no wonder i'm sick really, loads of pple in school are and the temp outside is like only 6 and its grey and raining, apparently we haven't had this cold spring in lux since the 60's!! I W A N T SUUUUN!
Have a continued great roadtrip, say hi to the rest!<33
Hej Louise. Har läst kommentarerna och fick ågren. Det är DIN blogg och du får använda vilket språk du känner för. Självklart förstår jag, att du vill att dina Elwood-vänner förstår din blogg. Mina fingrar rann iväg före mina tankar. Händer ofta, mamma vet.
Sen gillar ju jag att krydda lite, blir fel ibland. Jag kommer även i fortsättningen läsa bloggen (förstår text rätt bra) men kommentera kommer jag inte göra.
Tack för en underbar blogg/kommentar-tid!!! Hoppas vi ses nå´n gång i Rynninge.
Kram, kram, kram
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